c   h   a   p   t   e   r   s

 The Electric Adventures of Alvin, Part Two

A Novel of Erotic Satire

V Chapters    

                                                                                               Chapter 1  -  The book that ruined my life

                                                                                               Chapter 2  -  Mrs. McCormick & Rose of Sharon Joad

                                                                                               Chapter 3  -  My college education

                                                                                               Chapter 4  -  Excerpt from the book (Remember this?)

                                                                                               Chapter 5  -  My search for a spouse

                                                                                               Chapter 6  -  Rejected story: ``Field Test 3''

                                                                                               Chapter 7  -  Wooing Beth

                                                                                               Chapter 8  -  Rejected story: ``Kansas''

                                                                                               Chapter 9  -  ****ing Guinevere

                                                                                               Chapter 10 - Elle magazine interviews me

                                                                                               Chapter 11 - I discover the Internet

                                                                                               Chapter 12 - I re-discover Gwen . . .

                                                                                               Chapter 13 -  . . .  And my old friend Mindy

                                                                                               Chapter 14 - Rejected novella: ``The Nudge''

                                                                                               Chapter 15 - My online pals tell me their secrets

                                                                                               Chapter 16 - Writing that damned book

                                                                                               Chapter 17 - Newspaper accounts of my downfall

                                                                                               Chapter 18 - Recuperation


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 ``Quite a ride . . .  Absolutely brilliant!''  - LL Book Review






c. 2009 Kevin McDermott

I am seeking a literary agent or publisher

Contact: alvinpart2@yahoo.com 

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